42BJ Module de confort individuale
Capacități nominale la răcire de la 0,5 la 6,0 kW și la încălzire de la 0,5 la 12,2 kW
Individualized comfort! The Individual Comfort Modules ICM and ULTRA are small air treatment centres for air conditioning individual offices of between 25 and 50 m2 in size,
ensuring cooling, heating and fresh air supply. Air conditioning of individual offices ensures exceptional comfort and perfect air quality (no odours, no microbial transmission). Each module* is equipped with communicating control and individual control that act on all comfort parameters. With these units Carrier creates the desired comfort for everyone. Heating is provided by a hot-water coil (four-pipe system), or by electric resistance heaters.
QUALITY AIR: The ULTRA air treatment modules are equipped EU3 filters, and the ICM units have a 55 mm thick pleated high-efficiency EU5 filter. An optional new EU6 pleated paper filter is also available*. The units are installed outside the conditioned space, so that filter replacement can take place without disturbing the occupant. Side doors are provided for
maintenance, slide rails enable units to be moved to facilitate access, if necessary.
CONTINUOUSLY RENEWED AIR: The units are equipped with an automatically adjusted fresh air controller that introduces a controlled amount of fresh air into each office. All units are connected by ducts to a fresh air system. ICM units can include a CO2 sensor* that continuously analyses the air quality and controls the fresh air intake with variable air volumes.
* CO2 sensor option for ICM only * ICM only * ICM only
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Crystal Ultra Clean Plus
Eficiență energetică și inovație la cel mai înalt nivel
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30XW-V chillere cu viteză variabilă răcite cu apă
Capacități nominale de răcire între 587 și 1741 kW